Tuesday, September 22, 2009

READ poster contest information

Read all 15 Sunshine State books and prove it:

1. Pass a reading counts quiz OR

2. Write 10 multiple choice questions (see LA teacher for rubric) OR

3. Write a paragraph in response to the question on the blog comments. Sign with your FIRST NAME ONLY! OR

4. Make a 30 second movie trailer about the book

Celebrity Read Posters

Sunshine State Young Reader's Award Information

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hot, Sour, Salty, Sweet

Genre: Romance

8th grade graduation ceremony gets pretty crazy when your African American and Asian grandparents are cooking together
. Invite the cutest boy in the school and what you have is a recipe for disaster!

Why do you think this book made the Sunshine State list?
Clear, concise and appropriate comedy is appreciated.

The Entertainer and the Dybbuk

Genre: Historical/Fantasy

A creepy puppet gets revenge for the horror of the Holocaust. Who's in charge here and how does this puppet know so much?

Why do you think this book made the Sunshine State list?
Clear, concise and appropriate comedy is appreciated.

Dragon Slippers

Genre: Fantasy

Creel's aunt GIVES her to a dragon who GIVES her some blue shoes. These aren't exactly the blue suede kind either. Fantasy lovers, this is your read!

Why do you think this book made the Sunshine State list?
Clear, concise and appropriate comedy is appreciated.


Genre: Science Fiction

Haddix had me hooked on "it wasn't there - then it was". Time travel, history, adventure, sci fi, high tech! What else do you want?

Why do you think this book made the Sunshine State list?
Clear, concise and appropriate comedy is appreciated.

Gabriel's Horses

Genre: Historical

"Tenpenny is saying I can run forever, Gabriel. I just got to hold on."

How free can a 12 year old black slave feel when racing horses in the white man's world?

Why do you think this book made the Sunshine State list?
Clear, concise and appropriate comedy is appreciated.


Genre: Comedy/Contemporary

Need I say more? Well, yes. Yes, I do. Old hippies will love this one. Middle school - a place for saints and sinners.

Why do you think this book made the Sunshine State list?
Clear, concise and appropriate comedy is appreciated.